Sunday, August 5, 2007

Friendship day.. A day with Friends... :-)

Happy Friendship day!!!..

Well.. Today is a friendship day.. A day to remember ur friends..

When all of us are thinking that its gr8 to have a day for friends..
don't u think its funny to have a specific day for friends..
When U Just can't live a single day with out friends!!..

okk.. seems to be some stupid argument.. let me stop it here and share my so called friendship day experience with u all..

I thought its been a long time that I called any of my friends these days.. So atleast let me call them today..

as I started thinking of my friends.. I remebered my BTech friend.. Its been long time that I spoke to him..So I called him..n We completed the formalities by wishing happy friendship day to each other.. n before I could say anything else..
can u call me after some time.. Iam out with my Wife.. reply from my friend..Oops..I didnt expected this.. I can only say.. cool buddy.. njoy.. :-)

hmm...let me try my school buddy this time..the first time I couldnt get him.. I tried again.. n Luckily..this time I got him..n same story repeates here..
Sorry ra..Iam on a way to temple with my wife, dad, mom, uncle..etc..
then only I realized that he got married one month back.. njoying his newly married life.. :-)

Well.. I was feeling pity for those guys..
they dont even have time to speak to their friends also..
neways... I have decided lets not call family persons any more.. :-)

okk.. let me try my chennai bachelor roommate this time..
n unfortunately I got the wrong guy again..
my friend is in some Internet cafe..
busy chatting with his girl friend in Singapore.. :-)
But he is kind enough to spare some time for me.. :-)

I dont know whats happening.. I wanted to speak to someone..
but every1 is busy with his wife, girl friend njoying in their own world.. :-)

hmm..let me give a try again.. I make sure this time by calling one who is a bachelor n doest have a girl friend.. atleast upto my knowledge.. :-)

So, I called my other friend in chennai..
n before I could say anything.. bang comes d reply..
Mama.. Iam in Basant nagar beach..with my girl friend..
n I was totally taken by surprise this time..
When did he got a girl friend?? or the right question might be..
how did he also managed to get a girl friend.. hahaha :-)

hmm.. Now I have decided its enough.. Iam not going to call any one any more..
I called four of my friends.. n I Just couldn't spoke 2 mins with any one.. :-(

So, I took the simple n cheaper way..
I opened orkut.. Just scrapped all my friends wishing the so called
Happy Friendship day.. n my friendship day over.. :-)

By now.. I got one thing clear..
Friends can be with you only to a certain part of your life...once they got married or more importantly got a girl friend..
It wont be the same any more..
no chatting for hours.. no mid night movies.. :-(
priorites gets nope.. girl friends comes first.. :-)
In short..U wont be having the freedom to spend ur own time in the way u want..

hmm... Iam not blaming any one here.. let me be clear on this.. :-)
I might do the same thing when I get marry..
and who knows.. may b all of us will do the same..

now u know why my argument was stupid...
how funny it is.. U Just can't live a single day with out friends.. hahaha :-)

Well.. if u r thinking its end of the story..where friends got separated with each other..n there is no more friendship between them.. then as usual u r mistaken again... :-)
The actual story begins only here.. do keep reading.. :-)

let me narrate a small story to uncover the actual story...

After creating this world.. GOD wants to do something more..then he created a this Guy is all alone.. There is no one to share his happiness, sadness.. his feelings with him..

So, he requested GOD to create a friend for him...
now these two friends are always together.. njoying each moment.. sharing their happiness, sadness with each other..n they r always there for each other..n they never ever required God for any help...

now GOD is also started feeling jealous of their friendship..he wanted to separate them.. but the friendship is so strong that there is hardly anything GOD also can do to break it...

after thinking a lot.. finally GOD created Wife/Girl friends.. hahaha.. :-)now these friends are not able to spend any time together.. they stopped calling each other.. n slowly they dont have time to talk also to each other... :-(

now GOD is feeling happy that they need HIM to help them now..
But it is the time.. when GOD also went wrong.. :-)

The friends may not be calling each other.. may be they dont have time to speak to each other..But friends will always be there when U r in need of them..when you require any help from them..

U dont really require a GOD to solve your problems..
the very feeling of having a freind can be ur strength to solve all ur problems..
If u cant.. ur Friends are always there to solve ur problems.. :-)

Thanks U for being my friend buddy.. :-)
now U must always be there with me to solve my probles.. hahaha.. :-)

Well.. Thats the end of story..hope u njoyed reading.. :-)
n Guys..dont take it to ur heart..its just for fun.. :-)

now be a Good friend of mine.. n write down ur comments on this..


Unknown said...

Hey Sunil,

Come on...take the world in your stride...Its not that friends aren't there for you when they dont speak to you when they call up...Just that they have other priorities....We have to live with that understanding...Its called growing up...

It was a different and good psot :)


srini said...


To start with priorities change and that doesn't mean u r totally forgot.
For ur creative story if GOD felt jealous then how can he be a GOD? that means he is not GOD whom u were saying as GOD.
For the guy who asked u to call you back, did u call back? think he was busy when u called first, what happened to u, u should have called back. U haven't, means something got changed @ ur side as well......

So, things get changed and give a try to ne friend saying that u r in a big trouble and see if he comes or not leaving rest all priorities which he has and u can find the realize what u were trying to find.

ne ways nice post :).


Sachin Birajdar said...

Hey, it is definitely not 100% true.. One point is pretty obvious that as we grow priorities get changed ..Once u have GF/Wife, friends come with second priorities .. But that doesn't mean one can forget the friends..!! It is all about priorities..!!

Anyway, good creativity .. specially story about two friends (Boys)


Prashanthi Chennupati said...

A true friend need not be on call with you for hrs and need not be the one who will go with you to midnight movies. You mentioned that just for girls ur close friends are not taking with you...why don't u think that a new person has come into your friend's life and they need sometime?? Once they are compatible they will be back...well its not only about girls it can be any thing that is new in other person's life...That doesn't mean they forgot you or they are ignoring you.... Tell me one thing will u stop working in your new job and start talking with your friend for hrs just because he is ur close friend?? will it not create a negative impression with your boss??Every person's life is streamlined...every one has their priorities defined...every one has new things coming in life that needs more priority than talking hrs on phone....

whatever the priorities are and whatever the situation might be a true friend is a person who is there for you when you are in need...what is the point if ur friend talks for long hours on phone and doesn't turn up when u r in need???

Try to think in an optimistic way SUnil.... Grow up.... :)

Rajesh said...

don't worry... thera number bhi ayega :P

P.S: anyways good one, keep blogging

Unknown said...

I think u really feel sad abt ur friends, not having enough time to spend with u...

I think u will also be in a similar situation when u get married...
Ur wife will also ask u to do all kinds of household work for her like washing vessels, cooking etc., :-)
That time when I call u, you will tell that u are very busy...
That's life...

Get married soon... and enjoy family life as well...

Really enjoyed reading ur blog...

Atleast u are doing something useful in ur life now by creating blogs and making people enjoy reading it...


Unknown said...

Hi Sunil,
Yes you are right, this fast world keeps everyone busy..but think for a moment if you are in their shoe...But here I want you to let you know that..there some frens(ur's) who are looking for your call,throughout the Bolg you nowhere told that you had a phone call to them...You would have called them and with that you might be getting the responce what did you want......they are none other than your childhood/school mate frends.
hope you call them this time and let me know their reponce.

Frends delays are not his Denials:)

Unknown said...

Hey sunil,

Its a good post. What the reality in picture u have written. But am not support for u to 100%. I feel some of situatuins suits me ...the freinds who got married doesn't respond as when they are in bachelors. But taking 2-3 cases we can't generalize this thing. Obviously there will be freinds whom can spend time with u and shares everything..

Neways nice post buddy :)

Sai kishore

Sarvesh Shroff said...

nice post...very realistic..yup change happens,priorities change, we got to embrace all of it!