In dino, dil mera..
mujhse hai keh raha..
Tu khwab saja, Tu ji le jara..
hai tujhe bhi izaazat, karle tu bhi mohabbat..
Well, this might be just a song from Life in a Metro movie for U all..
but for me, it truly reflects my Life in Netherlands..
Yup.. Iam totally in Love with this place, the ppl, the culture.. atleast the Work Culture..n as always the girls here... :-)
Its been seven months since I came here..
it was really a nice stay for me here all these days..
exploring lots of new places.. Italy, Swiss,Brussels,Luxemberg...
n I just can't say how fast the time has gone.. :-)
This might be the reason ppl say...
Time just flies when U r in Love... hahaha.. :-)
I have to accept that there are tough times getting accustomed to the new place,
new ppl, new way of working...
n toughest being getting used to the bread n jam, burger n Pizzas.. :-)
Luckily.. Iam the kind of person who can cope up with any one in any place at any time.. hahaha:-)
So, lets start the movie.. Life in Netherlands.. Countless Emotions!!!
Before mentioning anything else abt NL, let me start with the ppl here..
I have never expected ppl to be so friendly n helpful here..
after being here for so long, the only thing I can say is..
If U r coming to NL.. a friendly Welcome is always guaranteed.. :-)
Then comes the place..
n Just like what the directors does in our Indian movies,
a song is really required to describe this beautiful place.. :-)
btw U can also have a break... there is much more to come.. :-)
n here comes one more song...
Dharti sunehri ambar neela, har mausam rangeela..
Aisa desh hai NL, ho.... aisa desh hai NL..
Jaisa desh hai hamara India, haan.... aisa desh hai NL .. hahaha. :-)
I feel this song alone is enough to describe the beauty of this place... :-)
Guys.. the song is over now.. n hope U also had a gud break.. :-)
now comes the Culture, Way of living n all... a bit boring stuff.. hahaha. :-)
hmm.. before this, let me talk about our Work culture..
We Indians, think its ok to stretch a bit more, work late nights..
n worst being coming to office on weekends...
In simple we give more priority to office than our Family n Personal life..
n here..
Ppl just give utmost priority to their Personal life than anything else..
Just 4 working days a week..
n leave d office by 4pm, no matter what happens.. :-)
U can hardly find ne1 in the office after 5pm..
or I would say.. U can only find them in the nearest pub or theater.. hahaha :-)
n now comes the most important thing...
U can't really conclude saying abt NL,
with out a special mentioning abt The Dutch Girls.. hahaha.. :-)
Yup.. Dutch girls are the most beautiful one I have seen so far..
or might be the case that after being in chennai for two years..
almost every girl here looks beautiful to me... hahaha.. :-)
Well.. if any girl is reading this..
Iam sorry.. There is no offence meant..
its just one more bad joke from me.. :-)
huh.. that concludes the story of Netherlands...
Hello... wait a minute.. there is still much more to come.. :-)
Now, U must be thinking Iam really njoying my life here..
visiting lots of new places n all..
n There is nothing wrong.. The grass on the other side always looks greener.. :-)
But if I ask the same question to myself..(here comes again)....
Deep In the Heart of Mine I feel, Iam not really njoying it..
I would njoy more being on a trip to Koorg with my offshore team, than going to a trip to Italy or Swiss!!!
I would njoy more watching even a TAMIL movie with my friends in Sathyam Theater, than watching SPIDERMAN-3 in Imax theatre!!!
I would love spending the evening in BasantNagar beach with my roommates, than going out to the so called foreign Denhaag beach!!!
n finally
I feel real taste eating Idly Sambar in Murugan Idly center, than eating a Pizza in an Italian Restaurant!!!
Yeah.. Iam missing my family, friends, roommates, teammates..
n the list is endles.. :-(
hmm.. might be these thoughts sound silly to U all...
There is no wonder.. most of my friends think Iam a Silly guy.. hahaha.. :-)
if so, I would love to remain so.. :-)
Huh.. Guys.. this is the story of my movie..
Life in Netherlands.. Countless Emotions... :-)
with some happy feelings and lot more sad feelings..
Truly, Madly and Deeply a feeling of Countless Emotions!!!
now Iam feeling Deep In the Heart of Mine..
WOW..What an End to the Story.. hahaha.. :-)
n as always.. Comments are most welcome.. :-)
Monday, May 21, 2007
Life in Netherlands.. Countless Emotions!!!
Posted by
8:40 PM
Friday, May 11, 2007
Am I really Changed???
Finally... I too started writing now!!..
n this time I want to share something with u all..
(I hope someone is reading my BLOGS.. :-) )
Two days before one my friend scrapped me saying I have changed a lot since my B.Tech days!!
and that made me think or rather ask myself Deep In the Heart of Mine whether Iam really changed??
Its not only him alone.. my school friends, my Inter friends and most of my B.Tech friends.. everyone feels I have changed!!..
and here I want to let them all know.. whether Iam really changed???
and Just to make it more interesting.. let us make it a conversational way.. :-)
Yup.. a conversation between U and Me...
U can be any one who studied with me or who knows me during my Schooling or College days..
and Me can only be Me.. who else It can be?? :-)
So, lets start the conversation between U n Me.. sounds interesting.. atleast to me.. :-)
U: Hi Sunil.. how r U??
Me: Hey U!! me gr8 buddy.. how r u doing??
U: Yeah.. me too doing fine.. So whats up??
I saw ur orkut profile n Album..
U have changed a lot since our school/college/B.Tech days!!!
Me: Yup.. changed a lot!! removed my moustache and seems looking a bit more smarter now!!! hahaha.. :-) Just kidding..
U: hmm.. :-) this is d change I mean.. U became more funnier too..
Me: Well.. I have always been a fun lover.. the only change is that Iam trying to be a bit funny too.. :-)
U: and U r no longer the same shy, timid guy from small town... the one who used to run away from girls.. :-)
Me: Yup.. thats true.. Iam no longer the one to scare to talk with any girl or rather run away from girls.. I have changed so much so that ppl started thinking that Iam flitering girls now a days.. :-)
U: Well.. after seeing ur profile.. even I doubt that now!!
Me: hey.. come on U.. give me a break.. Iam just trying to be friend to every1.. thats it.. atleast Iam not a fool like U to go after the girls.. okk.. :-)
U: ok.. now U started pulling my legs. lets change the topic.. :-) but one thing is for sure there is a lot of change in ur attitude..
Me: Yup.. there is a definately a change in my attitude.. I became bold and started believeing in myself.. :-)
U: thats gr8!!
Me: Yup Thanks :-).. but let me tell U one thing I might have changed to be bold and no longer the shy guy.. n may b there is a change in my attitude... but Deep in the Heart of Mine, Iam still the same Simple, normal, Soft n friendly Sunil.. the one whom U all know.. Just a bit more funnier now!!! :-)
U: okk.. Its enough!! now stop using this Deep In the Heart of Mine.. We all know that its ur BLOG name.. no need to remind us again n again.. :-)
Me: :-)
and that ends the conversation with smiles every where... hope U too smiling :-)
Now its upto U to decide whether Iam really Changed???
Posted by
11:17 PM
Labels: Personal
Wednesday, May 9, 2007
Here comes my Blog... Deep In the Heart of Mine :-)
Well, all these days ...
I was hearing about The BLOGs..
I heard ppl talking about The BLOGs...
I saw my friends writing The BLOGs...
n I was simply reading The BLOGs... hahaha :-)
So I thought, for a change,
let me also give a try at creating my own BLOG..
and more importantly express myself to the World.. :-)
and here comes my first BLOG...
n Now I feel DEEP IN THE HEART OF MINE its gr8 to have my own BLOG.... :-)
hmm.. now that I have created a Blog.. Iam not sure what shall I write.. :-)
Well.. If my understanding of the Blogs is correct..
The BLOG can be anything and everything which the author wants to express...
So let me share from DEEP IN THE HEART OF MINE,
my experience of creating my own Blog..
Now by this time..
I hope u r intelligent enough to identifyDEEP IN THE HEART OF MINE
as my BLOG name.. :-)
This Blog comes from Deep In the Heart of Mine..
n I will be using it very frequently in my blogs..
So, its better 4 U guys to get used to it.. :-)
hmm.. seems I have already wrote a lot in my first blog itself..
its enough for now.. but surely there are more to follow it.. :-)
Guys.. it would b really gr8 if u can give ur comments on my Blog..
well after all.. its my first Blog.. needs some encouragement.. :-)
n I expect U to check out my Blog again n again...
as there will b many more coming straight from
Posted by
6:30 AM
Labels: Personal