Hi Guys..
Happy Diwali to all of U..
hope every1 njoyed the festival to the fullest with family n friends.. :-)
Yup.. Even my Diwali celebrations were gr8.. was having a blast(fight??) with Neelu whole day.. :-)
Well.. If U guys r wondering who is this Neelu..
let me introduce Neelu to all of U... :-)
Neelu is my friend...who follows me every moment, every step n every where.. scolding me when I make a mistakes.. advising me when I need his help..n loving me when I love others.. :-)
In short.. Neelu is my Inner Voice..n my best friend... :-)
now U must be surprised that I was having a fight with Neelu..supposed to be my best friend.. :-)
okk.. let me share my so called Diwali celebrations with U all.. to know Y we were fighting whole day... :-)
Just to make it more interesting... as always.. let me go back to my favourite way to blogging.. Yup a conversation between me..(Sunil) n my Inner Voice..(Neelu).. :-)
It was morning 7am..n I was still sleeping..
Sunil: Grrrr... ( me sleeping.. :-) )
Neelu: Hey.. wake up buddy.. Its already too late..
Sunil: come on Neelu.. Its only 7am.. atleast today let me sleep for some more time yaar.. neways... Today offshore is also not working..n no status call... cool.. :-)
Neelu: U Stupid.. Today is Diwali..whole India already woke up n celebrating the festival.. n U still sleeping???
Sunil: Grr.. ( hmmm.. me already into sleep again.. :-) )
Well..Neelu got angry that I was still sleeping..but kept quiet for this time.. :-)
as I was still in sleep...
Hey Sunil.. Wake up man.. its already 8am...
Well.. this time it was my roommate Sudharsan..
nice fellow.. every day he wakes me up very late.. :-)
allowing me to sleep much more time.. :-)
n as I was abt to go for taking bath that.. Neelu calls me again..
Neelu: atleast on Diwali day..take head bath ra.. (requesting me.. exactly like my mom.. :-) )
Though.. I was not really interested.. some how I took head bath.. :-)
n I got ready.. n was abt to start to d office that Neelu calls me again...
Neelu: hey Idiot.. how many times I hav to tell U that today is Diwali.. atleast today pray to GOD ra.. :-)
Sunil: come on Neelu.. Iam already late for office yaar.. let me go now..
Neelu: go to HELL.. :-)
Well.. I (mis)interpreted it as office.. n started to office.. :-)
n I was in d office.. trying hard to concentrate on my work.. but Neelu was keep on calling me.. asking me to go out.. hav fun with friends.. njoy d festival.. :-)
n I was fighting with him n scolding him not to disturb me... :-)
n its already lunch time.. :-)
as I went into d canteen.. I can see that there is only one item left.. which normal ppl(Indians?? :-)) can eat.. Yeah.. Friday special.. Fish.. :-)
n I was abt to take it that.. again Neelu came shouting at me.. how can I eat Fish on a festival day... :-)
Well.. I also gave a thought n look around to check whether any other items left.. but of no use.. :-(
n I can hear the screamings of Neelu...as I was eating d Fish.. :-)
hmm... as d time spent by.. its already Evening 5pm..
n again Neelu came shouting at me..
Neelu: Hey Sunil.. come on da..Its Weekend time ra.. lets go out n njoy.. :-)
Well.. finally.. I too accepted with Neelu..n left office..n we roamed around Utrecht Station till night.. having a look at d beautiful dutch girls..n went home.. :-)
hmmm.. Guys thats how I celebrated my Diwali.. n for that matter..
thats how Iam celebrating d festivals for d last one year... :-)
n There is no wonder... Everytime I had to fight with Neelu.. my Inner Voice... :-)
OK Guys..hope U njoyed reading my Diwali celebrations... :-)
n as always.. comments r most welcome... :-)
chalo.. hope to c u again very sooon.. :-)
till then.. bye from.. Neelu..n Suneeelu.. :-)
Happy Diwali,
Friday, November 9, 2007
Celebrating Diwali with Neelu... :-)
Posted by
9:04 PM
Labels: Funny, Life, Personal, Stupid thoughts..
sb_post_date = "Friday, November 9, 2007";
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