Saturday, September 29, 2007

Kabhi Alvida Na Kehna.... Is It Possible??

Hi Guys..
Iam back again..

Well..if u r thinking that its going to be abt one more movie again....
let me make it clear to U that its not going to be abt any movie or movie review..:-)

okk.. so let me start it now..

Have U ever thought how good it will be when U never have to say Adieu to some one..
U Just be with your friends, parents, loved ones.. with out having to leave them one day... :-)

hmm.. if thats the case.. then it may not be called.. Life.. :-)

yeah.. many a times in our Life.. we will to go through the phase..
where we have to leave some one with whom we had good fun.. njoyed the time spent together...
n move on with our life..

I dont think there is any person in this world..who didnt went through this phase...
n Iam Just going through the same now...

Well.. its not that Iam doing it for the very first time..
but still... its never going to be easy..
when U have to say Adieu to some one.. atleast to me.. :-)

I still remember the day when I was leaving my Engg friends and room mates..
I was crying the whole day with out any break.. :-)
Then I was there crying again.. when my CTS batch friends r leaving me.. :-)

n It seems it has become a habit of mine to cry or rather make a scene.. :-)
when ever some one leaves me.. or I have to say Adieu to some one.. :-(

n this time Iam saying Adieu to my project.. hahaha :-)
hmm.... Iam sure U wouldnt have expected to me say all these things..
Just bcz Iam leaving the project.. :-)

Well.. I have a 3 year association with this project..
So... its not going to be easy for me.. :-)

I have made lots of friends all these years during my stay in this project....
had good fun with them.. shared my happiness n also sadness with them.. n now Iam leaving them.. moving on with my life to new place.. new ppl.. new project..

Now.. thats what Life is all about..

We meet some one.. make friendship with them.. have fun with them.. njoy the time spent together.. n then we leave them...

U Just cant really blame any one for this...

The only thing we can do is...

We have to be happy that.. We happened meet them... to be a part of our Life..
had gud time with them.. njoyed each n every moment with them..
n we can only cherish those moments in the rest of our Life..

n Finally... as Iam leaving my current project..
let me say some thing abt my onsite friends n team mates.. who are really helpful to me all these days.. n who made my stay in NL.. an njoyable one.. :-)

my friends liked my blogs so much so that.. they always used to tease me.. asking me to write some thing abt them in my blog.. :-)

n now that Iam leaving this project.. I thought its the right time for me to say my Hearties Thanks to each n every1 of them.. for their help n cooperation all these days.. by dedicating this post to them.. :-)
Thanks a lot Guys.. Iam lucky to have U guys as my team.. :-)

hmmm.. I think its high time that I should say Alvida to all of U...
by putting an end to this post..

hope U njoyed reading it.. n as always comments r welcome.. :-)


Friday, September 14, 2007

The Pursuit of Happiness

Hi Guys..
Iam back again.. n this time Iam really feeling HAPPY to be back again.. :-)

hope U have already got enough of clues abt what this post is going to be...

Well.. few days back I was watching d movie.. The Pursuit of Happiness.. as one of my friend suggested me to watch the movie..

As the movie is abt to start.. my roommate says...
This movie is really going to inspire you to write a blog on it. :-)

I was not sure whether it really inspired me to write a blog.. but it surely made me think of one thing..

What is the thing which gives Happines to all of us...
or the other side of the question might be...
Why always most of us feel Sad..

Well.. as always.. let me narrate a small story to find out..
The Single reason which makes all of us feel sad most of the time.. :-(

After creating this world GOD wants to do something more.. (again???? hahaha :-))
So he created two feelings called Happiness and Sadness... :-)

Now as the way it should be.. Happiness is always happy njoying each n every moment.. :-)
n Sadness is always feeling Sad.. after all its his nature.. hahaha :-)

As the days passed.. Sadness started really feeling Sad..
but when ever it met Happiness, it always found Happiness being very happy..
and that made him feel more Sad abt his life... :-)

So..It cant control its curiosity anymore..n oneday it went to Happiness and asked him what makes him feel always happy.. when Sadness was feeling sad most of the time.. :-(

Happiness thoughts for a while..n replies..
Instead of telling you what makes me feel always Happy.. let me tell you why you always feel Sad..

The only reason which makes you feel Sad most of the time is that..U have always found me..Happiness feeling very Happy.. :-)

Well.. How true it is??

Most of us always feel Sad for some things.. not because that we dont have those...
rather its because some one else is having them..

U r feeling Sad not because U doesnt have a girl friend..
rather ur roommates/friends have girl friends... hahaha.. :-)

U r feeling Sad not because U doesnt get the Promotion..
rather the one sitting next to you got it.. :-)

This is the case with every person for every thing in this World..

If we r happy with what ever we have and strive to get what we want instead of feeling Sad for not having those..
then Possibly or Probably... there wont be any one feeling Sad in this world..

now by this time as Sadness understood the real meaning of being Happiness, contraditory to its nature Sadness also lived Happily ever after..:-)

Well.. thats the end of the story..

Now, if U r feeling Sad for having read this Stupid blog..
then be Happy that U have already reached the end of the blog.. hahaha :-)

n as always ur comments r always welcome.. :-)

Pursuing Happiness,